If you wanna have a cat, the first thing that you'll have to accept is that a cat is a free spirit.
He is probably a lost soul inside the body of an animal. That is why he always tries to do what he wants.The second thing that you'll have to learn is that, very often, the cat will disappear during days, because he needs to see "everything", he needs to discover the night, and the rain, and the bridges andandandand...
and one day he comes back, and starts a mute conversation with his eyes, like if nothing had happened (besides, nothing ever happens)
he is not bad, he is just a cat
if you are not ready for having a cat, perhaps you have to choose another pet to live in your apartment. Maybe a pet not independent as a cat, who stays there, with you for ever
for instance a giraffe or a hippopotamus
or something like that*
*this is the first painting of chagall that i saw in my life
** i like it so much because the cat has not a face of a cat, and it is so obvio and cool
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