"En todo caso, había un solo tunel oscuro y solitario: el mío"
¡Oh, dioses de la noche!¡Oh, dioses de las tinieblas, del incesto y del crimen,de la melancolía y del suicidio!¡Oh, dioses de las ratas y de las cavernas,de los murciélagos, de las cucarachas!¡Oh,violentos,inescrutables dioses del sueño y de la muerte!
it is good to know that you live somewhere
the thing that seems a light over the tunnel is actually a dozer.
4 yorum:
he is more than everything
more than a king volcano
he is just an old velvet goldmine with dentures
you are being pretty unfair and even bad.
i cant understand why you talk about GOD in those words.
i know you love him, anyway... for his teeth :0)
hey, i like this purple tunelim version
this one reflects me better, i guess
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