Perşembe, Ağustos 13

Look! A giant spider could play a bass of five hundred strings!

Piaget says that the intelligence is the best form of adapting to the environment.
A time ago I watched a documentary of the National Geographic in which it was explained that, according to scientific studies, in some years the human beings are going to disappear and the world is going to be dominated by giant spiders. The scientists were making clear that the spiders have demonstrated to be a very intelligent species that can adapt to the changes of their habitat. So in thousands of years they will be the owners of the Earth.

In the photo you can see a very very little spider (almost imperceptible) that is going to read Piaget works.

*you may ask which is the connection between this post and Sabato. I really don't know, but Piaget also says that the intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do.

4 yorum:

serdar dedi ki...

i see dead people and conttections

valeria dedi ki...

I like very much that connection, Ser.
Besides, don't forget that Spider and Sabato begin with the same letter.

The spider of the photo is named Jaco.

oidisus dedi ki...

i suppose, jaco and jaco's sons have to contend with the bacteria wictor

penelope dedi ki...

sure they will.
but, please, don't forget the virus Marcus, he is very dangerous too